Friday, December 24, 2010


hey hey hey , just want to say congrats to you all yeah ! especially to my sis and her friends and my pet sis . congrats yeah adik cause dpt 8A 1C , aku da agak kau mst dpt 8A la . hahhaha , mane x bangun pukul 4 pagi nak study agypown kau mmng suka belajar an so x hairan la . aku bkn mcm kau suka belajar , like people always say la in each family mesti de yang akan bangga na keluarga and it's you ADIK ! now kau kene buat pilihan nak masuk asrama or not , and it's all up to you now . hope you make the best decision for your life k ! all the best from you sister ! muah


yahya ouh yahya now im lose my mind because of you ! arghhhhh , why la you do this to me . you make me become confused and crazy . i dont know what i have to do no , you want me to prove at you that i betul2 ikhlas right ? and now my mom say that she doesn't like you . ouh damn shit ! now what should i do ? leave you and listen to my mom or still want with you and make my mom like you ? ouh god , i dont know what should i do right now . when i ask people they always say the same and make me become more confused ! why la we need to fall in love ? why la we have to suffer because of them ? why la i know you ? why la you make me fall in love with you and make me suffer ? why la you come up in my life ? why this always happen to me ? im always say that i love you but you never trust with my word . now what can i do , you make my love to you become lower . i really want you be mine but now . arghhhhh , shit la wei . i need to stop talking about you , when im start talking or thinking about you i can't stop to do it . arghhhhh , FULLSTOP !


wei wei wei , miss them la . adehhhhh , pe la cer korang an now . br berapa hari x jmp mcm setahun pula . now tasya ary2 bley jmp cause tmpt kerja dye dkt jew but maybe just for a while la . korang semua da start kerja , hahahahha . rase x percaya pula korang kerja dorh . anyway hope korang rajin kerja and jangan curi tulang eh ! hahaahha , sayang korang ketat2 tau ! ni sayang aku betty at indon , bila la kau mau balik sayang oi ? miss kot sama kau , da la blk sebulan . asal x duduk sana jew terus ? hahahah , x bley dorh mampos aku kene g sane if nk jmp kau . kau ni pown satu , bkn nk call aku pown . x pe nnt aku amik num kau at ibu yati terus aku call kau , hahahha . miss kau GILA VAVVY ! urmmm , x tau nk ckp pe da dorh . x de idea da ni , otak sudah blank . urmm , hope korang semua always happy yeah ! x mau lupa aku dorh , hahahha . LOVE YOU ALL PLUS PLUS !!!